Tehnologija in tradicija.
Povežite se s svojim vinom.
Hladilna vinska vitrina ASKO uporablja najsodobnejšo zasnovo in tehnologijo za ravnanje z vinom na način, ki so ga izpopolnjevali več stoletij. Vse, kar vemo o najboljših postopkih shranjevanja vina, lahko najdete tukaj, v vrhunski, povezani vinski vitrini, ki je lahko tako edinstvena kot vaša zbirka – in ki lahko vaši zbirki zagotovi častno mesto.
Vse funkcije, zasnovane za ustrezno nego vaše vinske zbirke, so bile povzete po pravih vinskih kleteh, ki že stoletja predstavljajo utelešenje nege vina.
Ta vinska vitrina je razdeljena na različna temperaturna območja za različne vrste vina, ki jih je mogoče natančno nastavljati. Zagotavlja popolne svetlobne razmere, spremlja vlažnost in je praktično brez tresljajev. Za razliko od tradicionalne vinske kleti pa tudi dokumentira, katalogizira in prikazuje informacije o vašem vinu. V tem pogledu vam ponuja najboljše iz obeh svetov. Poleg tega bo odličen dodatek vaši dnevni sobi ali drugemu prostoru.
Prava svetloba
Ustvarjena za trajno uporabo
Spoznajte svoje vino.
Od zemlje do grozdja.
Vinogradi ne nastanejo kar tako. Na grozdje vplivajo številni geografski in podnebni vidiki okolja, v katerem se prideluje. To je del vinskega jezika, ki se kaže v pričevanjih, da sta okus in značaj priljubljene steklenice posledica lokacije, podnebja in celo geologije kraja, kjer je bilo grozdje pridelano. Pobočje z neverjetnimi geografskimi lastnostmi. Vas z odlično kombinacijo nadmorske višine in mikroklime. Te zgodbe nam povedo, kako lahko grozdje, iz katerega se proizvaja vino, obravnavamo kot popoln proizvod okolja, v katerem se nahaja.
Količina skrbi, izbire in nadzora, ki je potrebna za vzdrževanje vinograda, je naravnost neverjetna. Za ljudi, ki se s tem ukvarjajo, je to strast. In to je strast, ki se ji želimo pokloniti s svojo hladilno vinsko vitrino, v kateri je končni izdelek shranjen v ravno pravih razmerah in ki ga je mogoče natančno prilagoditi za popolno okolje.
Svet znanja in izkušenj.
Optimalni pogoji shranjevanja
Prava temperatura
Z natančnim uravnavanjem temperature lahko izberete, ali želite vino shraniti in starati ali pa ga temperirati za postrežbo. Razpon: +5 °C maks. +20 °C
Tri ločena območja
Ker različne vrste vina zahtevajo različne temperature, ima vinska vitrina ASKO tri temperaturna območja. Ta so med seboj popolnoma ločena, temperature pa so natančne in stalne.
Prostor za celotno zbirko
V vinski vitrini ASKO je prostora za 189 steklenic, ki so shranjene na prostornih teleskopskih policah z enostavnim dostopom. Z majhnimi označevalnimi tablicami pa imate lahko na policah izvrsten pregled nad svojo vinsko zbirko.
Brez škodljive svetlobe
Še en pomemben vidik shranjevanja vina je zaščita pred škodljivo UV-svetlobo. Vrata naše hladilne vinske vitrine varujejo vašo zbirko pred svetlobo, ki bi lahko poškodovala vino.
Skoraj brez tresljajev
Visokokakovostni kompresor hladilne vinske vitrine zagotavlja enakomerno temperaturo v vsakem predelu. Vemo, da vino rado počiva v miru, zato ta vinska vitrina skorajda ne povzroča tresljajev.
Optimalna vlažnost
V hladilni vinski vitrini ASKO se ohranja približno 70-odstotna vlažnost, kar je optimalna raven za shranjevanje vina. Raven vlažnosti v vitrini lahko kadar koli preverite v uporabniškem vmesniku ali v aplikaciji.
- Elements
- Namestitev: Samostojni
- Nežno črna
- What is a wine climate cabinet?Simpler wine coolers or chillers are often smaller than a wine cabinet and uses thermoelectric cooling. They are designed to simply keep a wine at an optimal serving temperature. ASKO´s wine climate cabinet holds up to 189 bottles and uses state-of-the-art almost vibration-free compression cooling, humidity control and three temperature zones, which means you can store, age and serve the wine in perfect conditions.
- What is Vivino and how is the ASKO wine climate cabinet connected to it?Vivino is the world´s largest database of wine information. The ASKO wine climate cabinet is connected to Vivino both via its companion app (ConnectLife) and via the UI on the cabinet itself. You can keep track of your wines in the companion app or in the UI, and by using the integrated camera on the cabinet or in your phone, you can scan a bottle to receive more information about the wine – like tips on how to store it.
- How do I scan my bottle?Using either the built-in camera on the cabinet itself, or with your phone using the companion app (ConnectLife) you can scan your bottle and receive more information about the wine.
- What other connected features does the Wine Climate Cabinet have?The app and UI provides a complete overview of your collection, information about the wine itself aswell as its locations on the shelves. Keeping track of your bottles is easy. You can also add notes to your bottles, like date-to-drink, or personal notes. The app also features statistics on temperatures, vibration and humidity, meaning you can prove you´ve stored the wine correctly. The app also let´s you control the cabinet´s temperature zones, lighting (both intensity and the RGB lighting in the serving area) and more. There are of course also manuals and tips on how to use the appliance.
- How should different wines be stored?By maintaining constant optimum temperature, the correct humidity, a virtually vibration and odour-free environment, the wine climate cabinet provides excellent conditions for storing your wine. The optimum storing temperature for wine ranges between 10 to 14 °C. Three temperature zones means you can store most wines in perfect conditions. Air quality is also important. Our Wine Climate Cabinet features active charcoal filters and a 360 airflow system in all compartments to ensure good air quality.
- At what temperature should I serve my wine?
Wines can be roughly classified into white, red, sparking and rosé. They all have different optimal serving temperatures. Often a winemaker has its own recommendations. The serving area is designed to fit a few bottles to prepare for serving. You can also place a decanter here, for red wines before serving.
• Light white wines: 6–11 °C
• Dry aromatic white wines: 7–11 °C
• Full-bodied sweet wines: 8–12 °C
• Red wines, e.g. merlot: 9–12 °C
• Light red wines: 10–15 °C
• Full-bodied red wines 16–19 °C
• Sparkling wines, Champagne: 5–10 °C
• Sherry: 5–7 °C - How should the Wine Climate Cabinet be installed?We recommend placing the appliance at least 50 mm away from an electric or gas stove and at least 300 mm away from a heat source (e.g. a radiator). Even though the cabinet has UV-safe glass doors, it should not be installed in a place where it is exposed to direct sunlight. We recommend free-standing installation for sufficient ventilation and cooling. The energy consumption can increase slightly if installed slot-in. If the cabinet is installed adjacent to cabinetry, leave at least 50 mm between the appliance and any cabinet above it. You should always leave a 50 mm gap behind the appliance to allow air flow and ventilation.
- What are the chalkboards for?The chalkboards are included with purchase. Use chalk to indicate what wine you store on each shelf.
- Different shelves in the Wine Climate CabinetThe shelves are placed of full-extension telescopic rails with soft-close feature. Standard wooden bottle shelves can hold up to 13 Bordeaux sized-bottles (0,75L). Inclination wooden shelves can hold up to 13 Bordeaux sized-bottles. This type of shelf allows storing bottles in two positions: horizontally or tilted. Wooden bottle shelves with grooves can hold up to 10 bottles where the bottles can be stored cross-wise, convient for storing larger bottles.
- Serving areaThe serving area has room for your glassware, decanter and accessories and allows you to prepare a wine for serving. It also features a RGB lighting system, meaning you can match the mood of the cabinet´s surroundings. The serving area can be converted into storing space if you wish, and extra shelves are included with delivery. The wooden wine glass hangers allows you to store up to 6 wine glasses which will also be chilled to the set temperature. The serving area features; a detachable bottle holder with wooden dividers, a detachable serving tray with place for glasses, bottles and decanter, an accessory drawer with wooden dividers.
- Touch-screen displayThe touch-screen on the cabinet is a full-color TFT screen, which allows you to change settings, add wines to your inventory and much more. Next to the screen is the built-in camera, with which you can scan wine bottles to receive information from Vivino.
- What is the capacity of the Wine Climate Cabinet?In standard configuration (two storing zones + serving area) it can store up to 140 bottles (Bordeaux size). If converted to three storing zones, it can store up to 189 bottles.
- Inventory managementThere are two modes to the inventory management, generic and exact. Generic lets you save bottles just on the shelves, and exact lets you place a bottle on a specific spot on a shelf.
- Do I need to defrost the cabinet?No, the wine climate cabinet is defrosted automatically.
- Is the door reversible?Yes, the door is reversible.