Kategorija izdelka

Iskalni izraz

Ko so rezultati samodokončevanja na voljo, uporabite puščico gor in dol za pregled ter vnos za izbiro. Uporabniki zaslona na dotik lahko iskanje upravljajo z dotikom ali poteznimi kretnjami.
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK
DRYER TD75.2385 T608HX.W ASK

Sušilnik perila

This energy-saving white heat pump tumble dryer from our Style range has a sturdy and long-lasting construction with a stainless steel drum and a reliable brushless motor. Installation is easy since no ductwork is required and it is also suitable for confined spaces since the heat pump only requires a small amount of external air. It is easy to use and you can set different dryness levels with the auto programs, from completely dry to iron dry. 18 programs and various options will help you dry your clothes effectively every time.
Energy class EU A+++
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Soft Drum™ is a solution developed to enhance air flow around the load, thereby increasing the drying effect. The circular indentations with bevelled edges also have a cushioning effect that reduces wear and tear on fabrics. The new drum design allows for even and gentle drying with both small and large loads.
Soft Drum™Soft Drum™
This smart feature is our own invention. It saves both the motor and your ironing board. The unique paddles inside the drum tumble the clothes in a figure eight to prevent the clothes from bundling. This leads to a reduced need to reverse the drum rotation. This is an intelligent function which saves the motor and the belt from any unnecessary strain and your clothes from creasing.
Butterfly™ DryingButterfly™ Drying
At ASKO, we believe not only that stainless steel will outlast for example, plastic, but also that quality materials will always look better in years to come. Eventually, galvanised steel rusts, so we decided to make our drums out of stainless steel. That’s why our tumble dryers really do last longer.
Stainless steel drumStainless steel drum
Regardless model you will have high definition displays with precise contrast, no flickering, low power consumption and visibility at an angle of 180°. Key words are easy-to-use, clarity and feedback - all important ingredients to make the full functionality accessible to you. The interfaces are carefully designed to encourage you to explore all functions and find the best programs, options and settings for your varying fabrics, dirtiness levels and soiling types. You can create your own personal programs using the different modes and options and then save them as favourites to be able to find them quickly the next time you wash or dry.
Easy to use displayEasy to use display
You have the possibility of selecting 3 load levels: small, medium and heavy. This function is practical for optimising drying time depending on the amount of clothing.
Sušilni stroj s toplotno črpalko porabi le 0,24 kWh / kilo perila. Zaradi tega v kombinaciji s sistemom Sensi Dry ™ in samodejnimi programi je ASKO dobra izbira za kupca okoljske vesti.
Zeleno sušenje (s sušilnikom s toplotno črpalko)Zeleno sušenje (s sušilnikom s toplotno črpalko)
Sušilniki perila ASKO imajo inverterske motorje, ki zmanjšujejo raven hrupa tudi pri najvišjih hitrostih vrtenja. Zelo učinkoviti motorji z dolgo življenjsko dobo omogočajo razvoj novih programov, ki ustrezajo vsem potrebam.
Inverterski motorInverterski motor
Nekateri sušilniki s toplotno črpalko ASKO imajo samočistilni filter kondenzatorja, ki samodejno splakne vodo skozi filter. Ni vam treba več skrbeti zaradi zamašenih filtrov.
Samočistilni filter kondenzatorjaSamočistilni filter kondenzatorja
Program za osvežitev s paro učinkovito odstrani vonjave z občutljivih predmetov. Namesto da greste v čistilnico, preprosto postavite izdelek v sušilni stroj in prihranite tako čas kot denar.
Osvežitev s paroOsvežitev s paro
Preskočite dolgočasno likanje in majice namesto tega položite v sušilni stroj. Program za nego gub Steam uporablja paro in nežno toplotno obdelavo za zmanjšanje gub. To je revolucionarno.
Nega gub s paroNega gub s paro
Z uporabo samodejnega programa za sintetiko z nižjo temperaturo in krajšim časom sušenja boste samodejno poskrbeli za svoje bluze in srajce na pravi način.
Samodejno sintetikaSamodejno sintetika
Program Silk & Wool sprosti in osveži oblačila iz volne in svile, ki so izgubila svoje prvotne lastnosti. Nežen program omogoča, da vaša oblačila zdržijo dlje.
Svila in volnaSvila in volna
Sistem več filtrov učinkovito zajame vsa vlakna, preden doseže občutljivejše dele sušilnega stroja. Tako se časi sušenja skrajšajo, stroj pa deluje nemoteno.
Sistem Multi Filter ™Sistem Multi Filter ™
Sistem ASKO Sensi Dry ™ meri vlago v stroju in okoli njega. Zazna tudi količino in vrsto perila, da se zagotovi čim hitrejše sušenje.
Sensi Dry ™Sensi Dry ™
Uporabite možnost prezračevanja, da osvežite oblačila ali se znebite dlake hišnih ljubljenčkov. Hladno sušenje za poljuben čas lahko uporabite tudi za občutljiva oblačila.
Zaščita proti gubam samodejno zavrti boben vsako minuto za tri sekunde, da prepreči gubanje oblačil. Ta program traja dve uri po zaključku programa.
Proti gubamProti gubam
Pralni in sušilni stroji v seriji Pro Home ™ so zasnovani v skladu z Line Concept ™, ki ponuja logičen način uporabe strojev od leve proti desni.
Line Concept ™Line Concept ™

Soft Drum™

Soft Drum™ is a solution developed to enhance air flow around the load, thereby increasing the drying effect. The circular indentations with bevelled edges also have a cushioning effect that reduces wear and tear on fabrics. The new drum design allows for even and gentle drying with both small and large loads.

Soft Drum™


Konstrukcija in zmogljivost

Uporaba in prilagodljivost

Interakcija in nadzor

Programi in možnosti

Dizajn in integracija

Varnost in vzdrževanje

Tehnični podatki


Logistične informacije

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